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  2. Antiquar. Literatur
  3. Antiqu. Literatur (engl.)
  4. Zauberbücher (engl.)
  5. Teasers and Ticklers. The Lecture-Book.

Teasers and Ticklers. The Lecture-Book.

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

A lecture on Stand-up Magic. DIN A4, 24 S., 4. Aufl., 1989, geheftet

A lecture on Stand-up Magic. DIN A4, 24 S., 4. Aufl., 1989, geheftet Teaser's and Ticklers encompasses a wide range of "platform magic" with something for every performer. The reader will find diverse entertainments suitable for the magician who uses patter. There is also a silent musical routine for club or stage. Here lies diversion for the adult audience, the juvenile audience, or a mixture of both. It's Rope Routinnes ans Linking Rings, Animals, Balloons, some Crazy Things; Mentalism ... A Sophisticated Trick, Plus Bits, Gags, and lots of "Schtick"! (and no card tricks)
