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  2. Antiquar. Literatur
  3. Antiqu. Literatur (engl.)
  4. Zauberbücher (engl.)
  5. Maskelyne on the Performance of Magic

Maskelyne on the Performance of Magic

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

13,6 x 21,4 cm, 151 S., Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1976, broschiert

13,6 x 21,4 cm, 151 S., Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1976, broschiert

Aus dem Klappentext:
In 23 rules and related information he describes the elements of magic performance that can turn a competent magician into a true artist. Drawing in many years of stage experience and referring to specific tricks for his examples, the author emphasizes the importance of unity, consistency and justification in the performance of a trick, shows how different effects demand different methods, insists on the importance of avoiding an anticlimax in a trick, and discusses the need to understand the limits of one's own ability and personality in determining presentation details. He then points out the essential qualities of rehearsal, speed in presentation, patter, stage manner and personality, and mental attitude, concluding with a final analysis of the importance of artistic principles. His entire discussion is suitabel for all kinds of magic, small magic as well as stage.
