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  3. Kit mains libres by Julien Fombaron

Kit mains libres by Julien Fombaron

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A travers ce dvd,Julie Fombaron vous livre sa vision subtile sur le Sleeving et le Topit dans une Féérie d′encha?nements fluides qui apporteront une autre dimension à votre magie. Sommaíre: -The 3 Waves. -Association Surnaturel. -iLLusion Passaège.(Cédric Faure) -Souffle Divin.(Cédric Faure) Entretien avec Jean-Jacques Sanvert. Tours filmés en situation avec surprises.(Bonus). By clicking on the picture you can see it enlarged.

In this DVD, it decided to explain some of its routines which enable him with the daily newspaper to make dream of tens of people with each one of its spectacles. They were reflected, tested, tested and validated near the public through many representations and that feels. Would be this only by the demonstrations in real conditions.


Sprache: französisch

