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Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

DVD, englisch, Babygrandillusions, Spielzeit: ca. 38 Minuten. 

Aus einer frei gewählten Karte wird die Mitte herausgerissen und der so entstehnde "Kartenring" mit einer Gürtelschlaufe des Vorführenden verkettet. 

Aus dem Klappentext: 

A spectator freely selects any card from the deck (no force).  After having the card signed across the face or the back, the magician takes it from the spectator and tears the middle from the card.  Thus, ending up with a cardboard ring.  Then, without pausing, you immediately link the card onto your belt loop.  You rotate the card all around proving that there are no tears in the edges of the card an you tug on the belt loop showing that it too is completely intact.  Here's the best part... you have to tear the spectator's card to remove it from your belt loop.

Any card can be used, absolutely no force

Nothing to hide.

No palming, lapping, sleeving, switching, etc....

Instantly resets

Works with any brand and color of playing card

Very easy to perform

Build the gimmick in under thirty minutes

This is the perfect effect for the strolling magician.  Need a great, super visual closer to your close-up routine.


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