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  2. Coin Classics Volume 1

Coin Classics Volume 1

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

The Greater Magic Video Library Teach-in Sessions.

Video, englisch, PAL, Stevens Magic Imporium, 2000

The Greater Magic Video Library Teach-in Sessions.

Video, englisch, PAL, Stevens Magic Imporium, 2000

Routines performed and explained:
Money Flies (David Acer), Coins Into Hands (Michael Ammar), Coin Vanishes (Bobo), Pre-Matrix (Vani Bossi), Matrix Reborn (John Born), Coins Through the Table (Eugene Burger), Logical Bill Trick & Coin In Glass (John Carney), Sympathetic Coins (Daryl), Coin Rolls & Sleeving (Jay Marshall), Clearly Impossible (David Regal), and Undercover (Jay Sankey).
