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  3. Antiqu. Literatur (engl.)
  4. Zauberbücher (engl.)
  5. Magic Without Apparatus

Magic Without Apparatus

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

Die Originalausgabe! 16 x 24 cm, 527 S., Fleming Book Company, Berkeley Heights 1945, gebunden, ohne Umschlag 

Die Originalausgabe! 16 x 24 cm, 527 S., Fleming Book Company, Berkeley Heights 1945, gebunden ohne Schutzumschlag

MAGIC WITHOUT APPARATUS is the first English translation of "La Prestidigitation sans Appareils", which has been recognized by authorities on magic as the world's greatest treatise on legerdemain with cards, coins, billiard balls, and thimbles. Among the well-known performers whose sleights are explained in detail in this book are Howard Thurston, Harry Houdini, Robertson Keene, Arnold de Biere, Burling Hull, Charlier, Roterberg...With this volume in his posession, the student of sleight-of-hand will have at his disposal the finest methods that have ever been devised for performing feats of legerdemain. Though 'Magic without Apparatus' is, first and foremost, an encyclopedia of sleights, it contains also a substantial number of complete tricks and manipulative routines which will prove a revelation to all who have not read the book in the original, French edition. Special attention has been given to the basic principles and variations of the back and front palm with cards, coins, thimbles, and even billiard balls. Never before have the possibilities of this important sleight been so thoroughly explored.
